Sunday, April 03, 2011

CHDK + Alps =

My fascination with CHDK and timelapse shooting continues...
On a recent trip to the Swiss alps I decided to shoot a whole load of timelapse footage to really get to grips with CHDK and interval shooting with the G9.

Luckily the weather was in my favour and the views and mountains obliged by doing their big and magestic thing for the camera.

Sunrise: La Fouly from pelicanImages on Vimeo.
CHDK, UltraIntervalometer, Av mode, 5sec intervals. Shoot time = battery life (so around 880 frames). Post edits in After Effects.

Can anyone point me at an After Effects tutuorial/demo for getting rid of my recently acquired G9 sensor dust? (top edge of the frame,about 1/3 of the way across: very annoying)

Sunset: Val Ferret from pelicanImages on Vimeo.
Sunset behind Mont Dolent from the slopes above La Fouly, Switzerland.
CHDK, UltraIntervalometer, Av mode, 5sec intervals, post edits in After Effects. Shoot time ~2hrs (730 frames) Shooting time would've been longer but the last lifts had run and the ski patrol guy was making meaningful glances at his watch. My, dubious french, chat and vocabulary was fast running out and he wasn't up for letting me ride down in the dark after he'd gone home :o/

Next steps: shoot further from the resort, shoot more, shoot more angles/days for more interesting comps, continue investigating the battery life issue...

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