Sunday, March 08, 2009

Testing testing...

Testing what you might ask!
I wanted to test an umbrella/pocket wizard/optical slave set-up and needed a subject. I also needed a shave.

This was the impetus for much too-ing and fro-ing, and some final Photoshop comping to bring all the shots into this one.

Strobist info: 580ex into umbrella to camera top left (~30degrees), white reflector to head left and an old pentax af330 optically slaved for back/rim light.

My crit: Techincally it all works, but:
I should've bounced of the ceiling as there's not enough light on the top of my head
The rim light is too tight on the back of my head.
A low power fill from lower camera right would've given a catch-light which might've looked/worked better than the reflector.
Moustaches are stupid!

1 comment:

Mr Irvine said...

Is that the best fuzz you could come up with? How many months is that? :op