Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All Change (part2)

As I said in a previous post, it's been a busy few weeks. This change in particular is something that I'm very excited about:

Recent discussions, and some time well spent, has seen me teaming up with tobinators.com to combine our sport coverage in one, sports specific blog and image library:

A serious combination of Wordpress and Photoshelter that will allow us, and picture editors, to manage, view, download and use images ranging from mountains bikes to rugby via snowboarding.

Here's an example from a parkour and free-running shoot earlier this year:

Parkour and Free Running - Images by Slik Images

My original sports specific site (that was also linked to here) schpleep.com
is still up and running and showcasing my favourite sports images but the blog and gallery links are now directed to slikImages.com

The site and images will be updated regularly so keep an eye one the blog for what we've both been up to and thinking about regarding our sports photography.

As the title says "All Change" indeed.

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